Interview Questions and Answer
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
e. five
Reveal Answer
a. Java Database Connectivity
b. Java Database Components
c. Java Database Control
d. None of the above is correct.
Reveal Answer
a. Both Type 1 and Type 2
b. Both Type 1 and Type 3
c. Both Type 3 and Type 4
d. Type 4 only
Reveal Answer
d. None of the above -- Surrogate keys are not implemented in MySQL.
Reveal Answer
a. Type 1 only
b. Type 2 only
c. Both Type 3 and Type 4
d. All of Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 and Type 4
Reveal Answer
a. Type 1
b. Type 2
c. Type 3
d. Type 4
Reveal Answer
a. Type 3 only
b. Type 4 only
c. Both Type 3 and Type 4
d. Neither Type 3 nor Type 4
Reveal Answer
a. Statement
b. ResultSet
c. SQLException
d. ConnectionPool
Reveal Answer
a. JDBC-ODBC Bridge plus ODBC driver
b. Native-API, partly Java driver
c. JDBC-Net, pure Java driver
d. Native-protocol, pure Java driver
Reveal Answer
a. Statement
b. PreparedStatement
c. CallableStatement
d. None of the above.
Reveal Answer
a. DataSet Implementation of SQL using annotations.
b. SQL XML support.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above.
Reveal Answer
a. A savepoint marks a point that the current transaction can roll back to.
b. Instead of rolling all of the changes back, a savepoint can be choosen to roll back only some of them.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above.
Reveal Answer
c. ResultSet.READ_ONLY
d. ResultSet.UPDATABLE
Reveal Answer
a. Import packages containing the JDBC classes needed for database programming.
b. Register the JDBC driver, so that you can open a communications channel with the database.
c. Open a connection using the DriverManager.getConnection () method.
d. Execute a query using an object of type Statement.
Reveal Answer
a. In the MySQL database metadata
b. In the MySQL database metasql
c. In the MySQL database mysql
d. None of the above is correct.
Reveal Answer
a. ResultSet
b. Statement
c. Connection
d. All of the above.
Reveal Answer
a. ResultSet holds data retrieved from a database after you execute an SQL query using Statement objects.
b. It acts as an iterator to allow you to move through its data.
c. The java.sql.ResultSet interface represents the result set of a database query.
d. All of the above.
Reveal Answer
a. Remove ()
b. off ()
c. change ()
d. clear ()
Reveal Answer
a. [HandleError (Exception = typeof (ApplicationException), View = "Error")]
b. [HandleError (Exception = ApplicationException, View = "Error")]
c. [HandleError (ExceptionType = typeof (ApplicationException), View = "Error")]
d. [HandleError (ExceptionType = ApplicationException, View = "Error")]
Reveal Answer
a. click
b. mouseenter
c. keypress
d. keyup
Reveal Answer
a. Redirect the user to Custom error page only if the request is sent from a remote client
b. Redirect the user to Custom error page only if the request is sent from a local client
c. Redirect the user to Custom error page only if the request is sent from a either remote or local client
d. Redirect the user to always to Custom error page irrespective of from where the request is sent.
Reveal Answer
a. Response.Cookies.Remove
b. Request.Cookies.Remove
c. Add to response another cookie with expired date
d. Add to request another cookie with expired date
Reveal Answer
a. Statement
b. PreparedStatement
c. CallableStatement
d. None of the above.
Reveal Answer
a. Mouseover allows you to specify an optional function to use for the mouseout event
b. Hover allows you to specify an optional function to use for the mouseout event
c. both
d. none
Reveal Answer
a. Duration
b. VaryByParam
c. VaryByHeader
d. Location
Reveal Answer
a. HttpCookie
b. Cookie
c. RequestCookie
d. ResponseCookie
Reveal Answer
a. Batch Processing allows you to group related SQL statements into a batch.
b. Batch Processing allows you to submit batch of SQL statements with one call to the database.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above.
Reveal Answer
a. All cookies can be added to an object of type HttpCookie and same object should be added to Response.Cookies collection
b. All cookies can be added to an object of type HttpCookie and same object should be added to Request.Cookies collection
c. For each cookie we have to create a separate object of HttpCookie and add to Request.Cookies collection
d. For each cookie we have to create a separate object of HttpCookie and add to Response.Cookies collection
Reveal Answer
a. Used when you want to access the database stored procedures.
b. The CallableStatement interface can accept runtime input parameters.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above.
Reveal Answer
a. jQuery. Ajax()
b. Ajax. JQuery()
c. $.Ajax()
d. Ajax.$()
Reveal Answer
a. The load() method lodes on the server
b. The load() method lodes on the server
c. Both
d. None
Reveal Answer
a. The JDBC API is an API to access different relational databases.
b. You use it to access relational databases without embedding a dependency on a specific database type in your code.
c. JDBC stands for Java DataBase Connectivity.
d. All of the above.
Reveal Answer
a. Reduced web server hits
b. Reduced Network load
c. Interactive user Interface
d. All
Reveal Answer
a. Statement encapsulates an SQL statement which is passed to the database to be parsed and compiled.
b. Statement encapsulates an SQL statement which is passed to the database to be planned and executed.
c. Both of the above.
d. none of the above.
Reveal Answer
a. JDBC architecture decouples an abstraction from its implementation.
b. JDBC follows a bridge design pattern.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above.
Reveal Answer
a. This method dynamically loads the driver's class file into memory, which automatically registers it.
b. This method is preferable because it allows you to make the driver registration configurable and portable.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above.
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